Gem State Disc Golf Club (GSDGC)
Fundraising Guidelines
Fundraising Policy
Fundraising events could be subjected to a fee of up to $150.
Fundraising events must be approved by the GSDGC Board and/or any other entity (City, Parks & Recreation, etc) before the event occurs.
Only activities that support the GSDGC mission are permitted to set up a table, display or other physical presence for a fundraiser (bake sales, raffles, etc.). Requests for fundraising sales/displays must be approved.
An "Ongoing Fundraising Event" must follow the Fundraising Approval Processes and can be approved for a maximum period of 1 year. These fundraisers must seek renewal on an annual basis.
A "One-Time Fundraising Event," which is described as "a single event to raise funds for a designated purpose" (Tournament, Charity, etc), must meet the following criteria:
A Member of the GSDGC Board must actively participate in the event.
The event supports the growth of GSDGC and/or provides an outreach to the community.
The event has been approved by all required bodies such as the GSDGC Board, City, Parks & Recreation and any other necessary approvals.
Fundraising Guidelines and Practices
While the goal of a fundraising event is usually evident, building comradery in the disc golf community and serving the greater community should be equally important goals of these activities. All members should be encouraged to participate.
Products offered for sale or donation should be handled in a low-key manner, and not in any way that interrupts participants coming to or leaving from a registration table, info booth or other primary resource.
The fundraising should complement and not detract from other financial stewardship efforts within the GSDGC and its community.
If approved fundraising activities have a negative effect on our disc golf club and/or community, they should stop.
The activity should afford satisfaction and dignity to those who engage in it.
Fundraising Approval Process
Research and Inquiry. At least four weeks in advance of the event, check for possible conflicts on the PDGA Website and the GSDGC Website calendar. If no obvious conflicts are listed, contact the GSDGC through Facebook Messenger or by email at A GSDGC board member will respond and note the activity as “tentative” on the GSDGC calendar pending receipt of a completed Fundraiser Request Form and action by the GSDGC fundraising coordinator.
Submit a Fundraising Request Form. At least four weeks in advance of the proposed fundraising event, fill out and submit the Fundraiser Request Form below so that it can be added to the GSDGC board meeting agenda.
Reviews. All fundraising requests are reviewed and approved or denied as part of the monthly meeting by the GSDGC Board Members.
Pay Fees and Costs. After your event is approved, all fees and costs must be paid at least one week prior to the approved event.
Publicize your Fundraising Project. Once the fundraising project is approved, the activity may be publicized on the GSDGC Website, Newsletter, and Social Media Accounts. All publicity must be submitted to GSDGC for approval prior to posting. Remember that a successful fundraiser relies heavily on your publicity and promotion.